Instructional Tandem Flights

Tandem Paramotor Flights in Cache Valley Utah
Have you thought about flying a paramotor but aren't sure if you'll like it?
A tandem flight might be exactly what you are looking for! With a front row seat to the skies, you can ride along with a professionally certified pilot to see if this is for you! Take control or sit back and relax. We will walk you through some of the finer points of flying as we show you around the area.

Safety First
Paramotoring is the safest form of flight out there. That being said, we care a lot about it, enough to make it our #1 priority.
We make absolute sure the equipment, our mindset, and most importantly YOU are ready to go before we even turn the engine on. We will never do anything you aren't comfortable with and do our very best to make your experience as enjoyable as possible.

Can't Beat Views Like This!
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the view. Its that easy! After a short preflight briefing, you're only job is to enjoy the flight! If you're comfortable with it, we'll even give you control and guide you along the proper way to fly a paramotor. Nothing beats flying in the open air!